Employer heading

- Address
Trust Headquarters
MDEC Building
Altnagelvin Area Hospital Site
Glenshane Road
BT47 6SB - Telephone number
- 028 7134 5171
- Website
The Western Health and Social Care Trust (Western Trust) is one of 6 HSC trusts in Northern Ireland. The other 5 are:
• The Northern Health and Social Care Trust
• The Southern Health and Social Care Trust
• The Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
• The South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
• The Northern Ireland Ambulance Service Trust
The 5 HSC trusts came into being on 1st April 2007, following the Review of Public Administration (RPA). They were created from the merger of nineteen former trusts.
HSC trusts are the main providers of health and social care in Northern Ireland. They manage and administer hospitals, health centres, residential homes, day centres and other health and social care facilities and they provide a wide range of health and social care services to the community. They are funded mainly by the DHSSPS via the health and social care board and are accountable to the Minister.
The establishment of the Western Trust on 1st April 2007 following the RPA saw a merger of three former trusts - Altnagelvin, Foyle and Sperrin Lakeland.
The Western Trust covers 5 local council areas - almost 5,0002 kilometres - and provides services to around 290,000 people. The trust employs almost 12,500 staff and spends some £439 million on a wide range of health and
social care services. It has lands and properties valued at around £344 million.
Services are delivered by 5 service directorates. The service
directorates are:
• acute services;
• women’s and children’s services;
• primary care and older people’s services;
• adult mental health and learning disability;
• medical.
Many trust services are delivered in community-based settings
with specialist back-up and treatment from trust hospitals. Our facilities include:
• 3 hospitals – Altnagelvin, the Erne, and the Tyrone County
• 2 psychiatric hospitals – Gransha, Tyrone and Fermanagh
• 1 learning disability hospital - Lakeview
• 1 rehabilitation facility – Waterside
• 19 health centres and health clinics
• 9 children’s homes
• 27 day centres
• 8 residential homes
• 6 adult training centres
• 6 ambulance bases
• 12 administration offices
The trust also delivers services directly to thousands of homes in the Western area.
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