Optometry vacancies
Specialist OptometristNHS AfC: Band 7Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustOxfordSalary:£46,148 - £52,809 43742-45996
Principal Optometrist OR Clinical Scientist- Lead Electrophysiology8AOxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustOxfordSalary:£53,755 - £60,504 PA
OptometristBand 6Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustOxfordSalary:£37,338 - £44,962 pa
OptometristEvolutio Care InnovationsRomford and WalthamstowSalary:£65,000 to £76,000 (FTE)
Specialist OptometristBand 7Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation TrustWestcliff on SeaSalary:£46,148 Per Annum (Pro Rata for Part Time)
OptometristNHS AfC: Band 6The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS TrustHarlowSalary:£37,338 - £44,962 per annum plus 5% High Cost Area Suppliment
OptometristBand 6Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation TrustWestcliff on SeaSalary:£37,338 Per Annum (Pro Rata for Part Time)
Principal OptometristNHS AfC: Band 8aKing's College Hospital NHS Foundation TrustLondonSalary:£61,927 - £68,676 pro rata, inc HCAS
Specialist Optometrist (band 6-7 run through)Band 7King's College Hospital NHS Foundation TrustSidcupSalary:£42,939 - £58,544 Per annum, including high cost area
OptometristNHS AfC: Band 6North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation TrustCarlisle/WhitehavenSalary:£37,338 - £44,962 pa pro rata
Ophthalmic PhotographerNHS AfC: Band 4Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation TrustChestefieldSalary:£24,071 - £29,114 per annum pro rata-training post B3 to B4 for untrained applicant
IVT Ophthalmic PractitionerBand 6Hywel Dda University Health BoardTo be confirmedSalary:£37,898 - £45,637 per annum pro rata
Dispensing OpticianBand 5Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation TrustLondonSalary:£35,964 - £43,780 per annum inclusive
Advanced Clinical OptometristBand 8aBuckinghamshire Healthcare NHS TrustAylesburySalary:£53,755 - £60,504 per annum pro rata
Lead OptometristBand 8aSouth Warwickshire University NHS Foundation TrustWarwickSalary:£53,755 - £60,504 per annum
Ophthalmic Specialist PractitionerBand 6Swansea Bay University Health BoardSwanseaSalary:£37,898 - £45,637 per annum pro rata