Medical: Neurology vacancies
Specialty Doctor in NeurologyNHS Medical & Dental: Specialty DoctorCalderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation TrustHuddersfieldSalary:£59,175 - £95,400 per annum
Consultant Physician - Stroke MedicineNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantStockport NHS Foundation TrustStockportSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Renal Senior Clinical FellowMN37Barking Havering and Redbridge Univ Hospitals NHS TrustRomfordSalary:£41,750 - £64,288 per annum
Senior Fellow in MS NeurologyUniversity Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation TrustSouthamptonSalary:£61,825 or £70,425 assessed on experience&qualificationsper annum
Specialty Registrar (ST3+) in Stroke MedicineMN37Barts Health NHS TrustLondonSalary:£47,524 - £64,288 Per Annum
Locum Consultant Neurologist with a Special interest in EpilepsyNHS Medical & Dental: Locum ConsultantUniversity College London Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustLondonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Per annum + London weighting (No on call commitment)
Senior Clinical Fellow in Stroke ServicesSenior Clinical FellowNorthern Care Alliance NHS Foundation TrustSalfordSalary:£61,825 per annum
Locum Consultant in NeurologyConsultantThe Royal Wolverhampton NHS TrustWolverhamptonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Locum Stroke ConsultantNHS Medical & Dental: Locum ConsultantHomerton Healthcare NHS Foundation TrustHackneySalary:£105,504 - £139,882 0.60 WTE HUH AND 0.4 WTE Barts
Consultant in Neurophysiology £6,500 Welcome BonusConsultantEast Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation TrustColchesterSalary:£99,532 - £131,964 on experience
Consultant in Neurophysiology £6,500 Welcome BonusConsultantEast Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation TrustColchesterSalary:£99,532 - £131,964 on experience
Locum Consultant NeurologistNHS Medical & Dental: Locum ConsultantRoyal Free London NHS Foundation TrustLondonSalary:£99,532 - £131,964 pa pro rata
Locum Consultant in NeurologyConsultantNorth Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation TrustPenrithSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Per annum
Specialty Doctor in Stroke MedicineSpecialty DoctorSherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustSutton-In-AshfieldSalary:£59,175 - £95,400 per annum pro rata
Locum Consultant Paediatric Neurologist with an interest in EpilepsyNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantGuy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation TrustLondonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 p.a.
Locum Consultant - Neurology YC73YC73West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS TrustWatfordSalary:London Fringe £149 per annum
Joint Appointment of Locum Consultant NeurologistNHS Medical & Dental: Specialist GradeChelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation TrustIsleworth
Locum Consultant Diagnostic Neuroradiologist FT/PTYM73Barts Health NHS TrustLondonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Per annum pro rata
Consultant Stroke PhysicianConsultantSherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustSutton-In-AshfieldSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 pro rata
Locum Consultant in NeurophysiologyLocum Consultant or ConsultantNorth Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation TrustPenrithSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Per annum
Substantive Consultant in NeurophysiologyConsultantNorth Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation TrustPenrithSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Per annum
Consultant NeurologistConsultantNorthampton General Hospital NHS TrustNorthamptonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant NeurologistNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantWye Valley NHS TrustHerefordSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Paediatric Neurology ConsultantNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantAlder Hey Children's NHS Foundation TrustLiverpoolSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum plus oncall supplement
Substantive Consultant in NeurologyConsultantNorth Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation TrustPenrithSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Per annum
UHBW Bank Doctor - AdultsBank DoctorUniversity Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation TrustBristolSalary:Confirmed at the time of bank registration depending on specialism and grade.