Medical: Radiology vacancies
Consultant RadiologistNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantAiredale NHS Foundation TrustSteetonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Per annum pro rata
Consultant RadiologistNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantLiverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustLiverpoolSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant in Breast RadiologyNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantHull University Teaching Hospitals NHS TrustCottinghamSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 PA PR
Consultant in Gastrointestinal & Hepatobiliary RadiologyNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantBedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustLutonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 pro rata per annum
Interventional RadiologistConsultantEast Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation TrustCanterburySalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum (pro rata where applicable)
Consultant Cardiothoracic RadiologistConsultantNottingham University Hospitals NHS TrustNottinghamSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 pro rata
Post CCT Diagnostic Neuroradiology FellowNHS Medical & Dental: Specialty Trainee (ST6-8)North Bristol NHS TrustBristolSalary:£70,425 plus unsocial hours uplift
Locum Consultant Interventional RadiologistLocum ConsultantImperial College Healthcare NHS TrustLondonSalary:£105,504 to £139,882 per annum WTE
Radiology Fellow with interest in Peritoneal Malignancy & GI RadiologyClinical FellowHampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustBasingstokeSalary:£70,425 MT04/MT05 depending on experience
Senior Clinical Fellow- MSK ImagingNHS Medical & Dental: Senior Clinical FellowUniversity Hospitals of North Midlands NHS TrustStoke on TrentSalary:£61,825 pro rata
Consultant RadiologistConsultantNorfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustNorwichSalary:£93,666 - £126,281 per annum
Nuclear Medicine ConsultantNuclear Medicine ConsultantMedway NHS Foundation TrustGillingham, KentSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum/pro rata
Consultant RadiologistConsultantChelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation TrustTwickenham Rd, IsleworthSalary:£99,532 - £131,964 Per Annum
Consultant Radiologist InterventionalNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantThe Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation TrustLiverpoolSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Locum Consultant Radiologist with interest in Symptomatic BreastNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantEast and North Hertfordshire NHS TrustStevenageSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 pa
Senior Clinical Fellow Interventional RadiologySenior Clinical FellowGuy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation TrustLondonSalary:£70,425 per annum excl. LZ
Locum Consultant in Paediatric RadiologyLocum ConsultantUniversity Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation TrustBristolSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 pa pro rata
Locum Radiologist Consultant Line of Work (Sub-speciality in MSK)NHS Medical & Dental: Locum ConsultantEpsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS TrustCarshaltonSalary:£100 - £125 bank
Consultant Radiologist with specialist interest in MSK ImagingNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantThe Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS TrustShrewsburySalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant Radiologist with an interest in Head and NeckNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantUniversity Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation TrustBournemouthSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Post-CCT Fellowship in Head & Neck ImagingMN35Imperial College Healthcare NHS TrustLondonSalary:£41,750-£54,468 per annum+ London Weighting +1B banding
Locum Consultant Breast and Body RadiologistNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantUniversity Hospitals of North Midlands NHS TrustStaffordshireSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 £105,504 - £139,882 pa
Consultant Interventional RadiologistNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantDoncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustDoncasterSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Pro rata per annum
Consultant RadiologistConsultantChelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation TrustTwickenham Rd, IsleworthSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Per Annum
Consultant Neurointerventional RadiologistNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantHull University Teaching Hospitals NHS TrustHullSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 PA PR
Consultant Radiologist - Vascular Intervention & CardiacNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantHull University Teaching Hospitals NHS TrustHullSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 PA PR
Consultant Radiologist with an interest in Chest & Cardiac ImagingNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantHull University Teaching Hospitals NHS TrustHullSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 pa pr
Consultant Radiologist – 2 postsWestern Health and Social Care TrustAltnagelvin Area HospitalSalary:£100,400 - £132,000 per annum pro rata
Consultant Radiologist – 2 postsWestern Health and Social Care TrustSouth West Acute Hospital/Omagh Hospital Primary Care ComplexSalary:£100,400 - £132,000 per annum pro rata
Locum Consultant in Neuroradiology (12 months)NHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantUniversity College London Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustLondonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Per annum + London weighting (On-call Cat B)
MSK Radiology ConsultantNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantNottingham University Hospitals NHS TrustNottinghamSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum pro rata
Consultant General Radiologist - interest in Gastrointestinal ImagingNHS Medical & Dental: Consultant279 University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation TrustBrighton and HoveSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant Radiologist with an Interest in PaediatricsNHS Medical & Dental: Consultant279 University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation TrustBrighton and HoveSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant Paediatric RadiologistNHS Medical & Dental: Consultant279 University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation TrustBrighton and HoveSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant Radiologist with an interest in Thoracic ImagingNHS Medical & Dental: Consultant279 University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation TrustBrighton and HoveSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Locum Breast Consultant RadiologyLocum ConsultantMilton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation TrustMilton KeynesSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Per annum
Consultant Radiologist - GINHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantYork and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustYorkSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Per Annum
Consultant General Radiologist with interest in Head & Neck RadiologyYM72Barts Health NHS TrustLondonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant Radiologist with interest in Interventional RadiologyYM72Barts Health NHS TrustLondonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant Radiologist - MSKNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantFrimley Health NHS Foundation TrustFrimleySalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Per Annum, Pro Rata
Consultant Diagnostic NeuroradiologistNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantUniversity Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS TrustCoventrySalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant Head and Neck Radiologist postConsultantImperial College Healthcare NHS TrustLondonSalary:£105,504 to £139,882 per annum WTE
Locum Consultant Paediatric RadiologistNHS Medical & Dental: Locum ConsultantSheffield Children's NHS Foundation TrustSheffieldSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum pro rata
Interventional Consultant in RadiologyConsultantBradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustBradfordSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant Neuro RadiologistNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantSwansea Bay University Health BoardSwanseaSalary:£106,000 - £154,760 per annum
Locum Consultant Diagnostic Neuroradiologist FT/PTYM73Barts Health NHS TrustLondonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Per annum pro rata
Consultant in Musculoskeletal RadiologyNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantLancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustPrestonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Radiology - Speciality DoctorRadiology Speciality DoctorCroydon Health Services NHS TrustCroydonSalary:£59,175 - £95,400 Plus £2,162 London Weighting
Consultant RadiologistNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantGreat Western Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustSwindonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Per annum
Consultant RadiologistNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantNorthumbria Healthcare - NHCT Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation TrustNorth ShieldsSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 pro rata per annum