Medical: University, Research and Fellowships vacancies
Clinical Teaching FellowNHS Medical & Dental: Core Trainee (CT1/2)The Royal Wolverhampton NHS TrustWolverhamptonSalary:£49,909 per annum
Senior Clinical Fellow in Medical EducationNHS Medical & Dental: Core Trainee (CT1/2)North Bristol NHS TrustBristolSalary:Dependant on experience
Clinical Teaching FellowNHS Medical & Dental: Junior Clinical FellowThe Dudley Group NHS Foundation TrustDudleySalary:£49,909 - £61,825 per annum
Clinical Research Fellow – Trust Doctor in MedicineNHS Medical & Dental: Local Appointment nodal point 3 (MT03)University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustLondonSalary:£49,909 Per annum + London weighting (No out of hours commitment)
Education Fellow - EAU/Undergraduate Medical EducationSenior Clinical FellowNorthern Care Alliance NHS Foundation TrustSalfordSalary:£61,825 per annum
CTF (ST4+)Medical Education(SIM) & Emergency MedicineJunior Clinical FellowRoyal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation TrustBathSalary:£61,825 - £70,425 per annum
UHBW Bank Doctor - AdultsBank DoctorUniversity Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation TrustBristolSalary:Confirmed at the time of bank registration depending on specialism and grade.