Swyddi gwag
Paediatric Fellow in ENT – ST8NHS Medical & Dental: Senior Clinical FellowUniversity Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£61,825 per annum
Staff PerfusionistNHS AfC: Band 7University Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£46,148 - £52,809 per annum
Staff NurseNHS AfC: Band 5University Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£29,970 - £36,483 per annum / pro rota for part time hours
Ward Clerk, MaternityBand 2University Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£23,615 per annum, (pro-rata (if Part-Time)
Fellow in Paediatric Intensive Care and Transport MedicineNHS Medical & Dental: Specialty Trainee (ST3-5)University Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustCastle DoningtonCyflog:£61,825 per annum
Hepatology ConsultantNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantUniversity Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£105,504 - £139,882 pa pro rata
Consultant in ObstetricsDependent on ExperienceUniversity Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£105,504 - £139,882 dependent on experience
Consultant in Obstetrics and GynaecologyNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantUniversity Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant in Acute & General Paediatrics with interest in RespiratoryNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantUniversity Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant in AnaesthesiaNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantUniversity Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
System Director for Urgent & Emergency CareVSMUniversity Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:Per annum
Deputy Team Leader, Max fax/plastics TheatresNHS AFC: Band 6University Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£37,338 - £44,962 per annum
Clinical Skills FacilitatorNHS AfC: Band 6University Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£37,338 - £44,962 pa
Foot & Ankle FellowNHS Medical & Dental: Senior Clinical FellowUniversity Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£61,825 per annum
Staff NurseNHS AfC: Band 5University Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLoughboroughCyflog:£29,970 - £36,483 pro rata
Trust Clinical Fellow - ST8 equivalentTrust Clinical Fellow - ST8 equivalentUniversity Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£70,425 Per Annum
Macmillan Head and Neck Specialist NurseNHS AfC: Band 6University Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£37,338 - £44,962 pa
Senior PerfusionistNHS AfC: Band 8aUniversity Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£53,755 - £60,504 per annum / pro rota for part time hours
Consultant Cardiologist - Clinical Decisions UnitNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantUniversity Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant Cardiologist - Coronary InterventionNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantUniversity Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
TrustMed Pharmacy DispenserNHS AfC: Band 2University Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLEICESTERCyflog:£11.92±è/³ó
Children's Diabetes Specialist NurseNHS AfC: Band 6University Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£37,338 - £44,962 Per annum
Physiology Team AdministratorNHS AfC: Band 4University Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£26,530 - £29,114 per annum pro rota
Senior Rhinology Fellow in ENT – ST8NHS Medical & Dental: Senior Clinical FellowUniversity Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£70,425 per annum
Clinical Skills Educator, Adults & Paediatrics Respiratory CareNHS AfC: Band 8aUniversity Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£53,755 - £60,504 per annum
SENIOR SPECIALIST DIETITIAN (Adult & Paediatric PCD and Paediatric CF)NHS AfC: Band 7University Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£46,148 - £52,809 pro rata
Retail Catering ChefNHS AfC: Band 3University Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£24,071 - £25,674 per annum
Advanced Biomedical ScientistNHS AfC: Band 7University Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeciesterCyflog:£46,148 - £52,809 per annum
Rotational B6 Occupational Therapist Trauma & Elective OrthopaedicsNHS AfC: Band 6University Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterCyflog:£37,338 - £44,962 per annum