Medical and Dental
Specialty Doctor (Psychiatry) - CAMHS InpatientNHS Medical & Dental: Specialty DoctorEast London NHS Foundation TrustLutonSalary:£59,175 - £95,400 PA, dependent on experience
Locum Consultant Child & Adolescent PsychiatristLocum ConsultantEast London NHS Foundation TrustLondonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Advanced International Fellowship in PsychiatryMedical and DentalEast London NHS Foundation TrustLUTONSalary:£59,175 - £95,400 per annum
Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist NDTConsultantEast London NHS Foundation TrustLutonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist - Crisis & HTTConsultantEast London NHS Foundation TrustLutonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist - EB TeamConsultantEast London NHS Foundation TrustDunstableSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant Psychiatrist in Adult Community Psychiatry - City & HackneyConsultantEast London NHS Foundation TrustLondonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant in General Adult Psychiatry & Deputy Simulation LeadConsultantEast London NHS Foundation TrustBedfordSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant General Adult Psychiatrist - Community Recovery Team NorthConsultant - MedicalEast London NHS Foundation TrustPlaistow, LondonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant General Adult Psychiatrist - Community Recovery Team SouthConsultant - MedicalEast London NHS Foundation TrustPlaistow, LondonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant General Adult Psychiatrist - CIMHS North NewhamConsultant - MedicalEast London NHS Foundation TrustLondonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant General Adult Psychiatrist - CIMHS North NewhamConsultant - MedicalEast London NHS Foundation TrustLondonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant General Adult Psychiatrist - CIMHS South NewhamConsultant - MedicalEast London NHS Foundation TrustLondonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant Psychiatrist Mental Health Care for Older PersonsNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantEast London NHS Foundation TrustLondonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
South Beds OPMH & MAS Consultant - SubstantiveNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantEast London NHS Foundation TrustDunstableSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant Psychiatrist - Tower Hamlets CAMHSNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantEast London NHS Foundation TrustLondonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Per annum pro-rata