Allied Health Professions
Pelvic Health PhysiotherapistBand 7Croydon Health Services NHS TrustLondon£51,883 - £58,544 per annum
Advanced/Anaesthetic Practitioner/ODP/Anaesthetic NurseBand 5/6Croydon Health Services NHS TrustCroydon Surreyper annum inc of HCAS
Neuro Rotation Band 6 Occupational TherapistBand 6Croydon Health Services NHS TrustCroydon£42,939 - £50,697 per annum incl of HCAS (outer)
Diabetes Specialist Dietitian - Band 6Band 6Croydon Health Services NHS TrustCroydon£42,939 - £50,697 pa pro rata Inc. HCAS (Outer)
Senior Occupational therapistBand 6Croydon Health Services NHS TrustCroydon£42,939 - £50,697 p.a incl of HCAS
Theatre Scrub/Recovery PractitionerBand 5Croydon Health Services NHS TrustCroydon£34,521 - £41,956 pa inc HCAS
Podiatrist - Band 5Band 5Croydon Health Services NHS TrustCroydon£34,521 - £41,956 per annum incl of HCAS (outer)
Principal Adult Speech and Language Therapist8aCroydon Health Services NHS TrustThornton Heath£59,490 - £66,239 1
Specialist Respiratory PhysiotherapistBand 7Croydon Health Services NHS TrustCroydon£51,883 - £58,544 p.a pr incl of HCAS
Specialist PodiatristBand 7Croydon Health Services NHS TrustThornton Heath£51,883 - £58,544 pa incl. HCAS (Outer)