Orthoptist (eyes) vacancies
Highly Specialist OrthoptistNHS AfC: Band 7The Dudley Group NHS Foundation TrustDudleySalary:£46,148 - £52,809 per annum
Specialist OrthoptistNHS AfC: Band 6The Dudley Group NHS Foundation TrustDudleySalary:£37,338 - £44,962 per annum
Ophthalmic ImagerBand 3Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS TrustHullSalary:£24,071 - £25,674 per annum
Band 8a Service Clinical Manager (Head Orthoptist)Band 8aBirmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation TrustMoseleySalary:£53,755 - £60,504 pro rata
Specialist OrthoptistBand 6Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS TrustMaidstoneSalary:New graduates start at B5 and complete competencies to B6.
Specialist Orthoptist with Extended RoleBand 7Isle of Wight NHS TrustNewport, Isle of WightSalary:£46,148 - £52,809 pro rata, per annum
Allied Health Professions Workforce Lead - Band 8BNHS AfC : Band 8bUnited Lincolnshire Teaching Hospitals NHS TrustLincolnSalary:£62,215 - £72,293 per annum
Advanced OrthoptistNHS AfC: Band 7Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation TrustLondonSalary:£54,320 - £60,981 per annum incl. HCAS
OrthoptistBand 6East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation TrustCanterburySalary:£37,338 - £44,962 per annum Newly Qualified will start on Band 5
OptometristNHS AfC: Band 6The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS TrustHarlowSalary:£37,338 - £44,962 per annum plus 5% High Cost Area Suppliment
Lead Orthoptist and Deputy Technical Services LeadBand 7Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation TrustChelmsfordSalary:£46,148 Per Annum (Pro Rata for Part Time)
Advanced Orthoptist: Lead Clinical TutorNHS AfC: Band 7Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation TrustLONDONSalary:£54,320 - £60,981 per annum incl. HCAS
Specialist OrthoptistBand 5 to 6279 University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation TrustBrightonSalary:per annum (B5 Newly Qualified, B6 experienced Orthoptist)
OrthoptistNHS AfC: Band 6The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS TrustHarlowSalary:£37,338 - £44,962 per annum plus 5% high cost area supplement
Specialist OptometristNHS AfC: Band 8aGeorge Eliot Hospital NHS TrustNuneatonSalary:£53,755 - £60,504 per annum
IVT Ophthalmic PractitionerBand 6Hywel Dda University Health BoardTo be confirmedSalary:£37,898 - £45,637 per annum pro rata
Band 7/8A Lead OrthoptistNHS AfC: Band 7/8aRoyal Berkshire NHS Foundation TrustReading and WindsorSalary:£46,148 - £60,504 per annum
Specialist OrthoptistBand 6Swansea Bay University Health BoardSwanseaSalary:£37,898 - £45,637 per annum
Ophthalmic Specialist PractitionerBand 6Swansea Bay University Health BoardSwanseaSalary:£37,898 - £45,637 per annum pro rata
Return to Practice - AHP or Healthcare ScientistHonorary ContractUniversity Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation TrustDorsetSalary:This is an unpaid position